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Keeping Your Resume Out of the Black Hole!

Women in CleanTech and Sustainability


Keeping Your Resume Out of the Black Hole! 

9 Strategies to Get Your Resume in the Hands of the Hiring Manager

presented by:
Rebecca Kieler and Carol McClelland

If you are sick and tired of sending out resumes and never hearing back, this class will show you how to end that cycle. We will show you how to take what you learn in this presentation, and put it to work immediately.

What you will take away from this presentation:

- The #1 reason your resume ends up in the black hole.

- What has changed in the marketplace that requires you to go beyond just submitting your resumes online.

- Step-by-step system to get your resume in the hiring manager’s hands.

- How to help your networking contacts help you after you’ve applied for a job.

Saturday June 1st, 2013

Rendez Vous Café
106 S. El Camino Real
San Mateo, CA (map)

Click here for more information

Carol McClelland, PhD, author of the award-winning book, Green Careers For Dummies, is one of the nation’s leading sustainability career experts. Throughout her career, Carol has helped thousands of people discover careers that match their values and interests. As the Founder and Executive Director of Green Career Central, Carol's current focus is to work with passionate professionals who want to use their expertise to create, or contribute to, sustainable, restorative, and regenerative solutions that build a better world --where the land, people, wildlife, and economy thrive.

Rebecca Kieler, of Kieler Career Consulting, is a highly-sought after career management consultant, with a reputation for developing both insightful and practical strategies and tactics that enable clients to define and achieve their career goals. Rebecca has been facilitating, speaking, and consulting in career and life transitions for almost 30 years. Clients who work with her see tangible results quickly, whether they are reaching for their next career level, finding their next job, or uncovering a new career direction.