Several times in my career I've felt lost about where to take my career. 

The harder I tried to figure out my next career move, the more frustrated I became. This scenario first played out in my life years ago when I was in a corporate job and feeling completely and utterly burned out. Since then I've been through this journey several times when I've been called to take my business to the next level.

I'll Let You in on a Little Secret

In times like this, the one thing that always keeps me going is the fact that I know how wonderful it feels to breakthrough to clarity! Do you have that knowing for yourself?

One day you are miserable, wondering if it's all worth it, wondering if you should just give up and go back to doing what you've been doing.

Then you have that breakthrough.

  • It may be a flash of insight as it was when I came up with the idea to start Green Career Central.

  • It might take the form of a dream as it did when I came up with my original business idea.

It might come in a series of insights that build one on top of the other as its done for a project I'm working on now.

The Feeling of Clarity Is Exquisite!

You feel enlivened, energetic, optimistic, passionate, and alive with anticipation for your newly envisioned future. You are clear, unwavering, and certain about the direction you want to take.

Your worries and concerns fall away, and you become focused on making your new vision of your future a reality!

Became Crystal Clear About Her Niche

Working with Carol has been a true delight, and has really helped me to clarify my professional purpose and goals.

Before our work together I was torn between several paths, and leveraging her wonderful web-based Find Your Green Focus program I was able to work through process step-by-step to become crystal clear about the best niche for me.

I’m now actively pursuing my goals, and excited about what’s ahead of me!

All along the way I was impressed with Carol’s wisdom about the stages of transition, and her remarkable ability to listen deeply and to synthesize and articulate solutions. I would highly recommend working with Carol to anyone ready to make a change!

Life Blueprint She’s Been Yearning For

The Find Your Green Career Focus was exactly what I needed to clarify the role I wanted to play in the green movement. The assignments were fun and provided me with a lot of direction and personal insight.

I’ve always wished I had been born holding a blueprint in my hand of what I was supposed to do with my life—this is the blueprint I’ve been yearning for. It feels like a representative picture of me.

The guided online coaching worked really well. I could not have come this far in defining my green niche without the help of Green Career Central.

Carol really knows what she’s doing in this space! I’m so glad to have found the resource and gotten so far in such a short amount of time!”

Rosemary Trujillo, Former Program Manager of Global Sales and Services at Sun Microsystems—> Transitioning to a green career
Structure Brought Confidence

”Carol’s program gave me guidance and definitely helped me discover that I want to do.
The regular motivation and structure gave me the guidance and confidence I needed to take the first steps in making this big career change.
By using the program I ended up asking myself questions and thinking about things I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.
I enjoyed the opportunity to talk with others as I worked through the program. It was great to know I am not alone in many of my feelings about work in general. It was also nice to be able to share my fears about changing careers and beginning something new.”

Anna Wright, San Francisco, Bay Area
Achieved Her Dream

”Green Career Central’s process was incredibly helpful in getting me started in a new career direction.

The worksheets and brainstorming exercises helped me realize I already had the skills to launch a new green career.

Today, I have a terrific salary doing business development for energy and environmental projects.

Thanks to Green Career Central, my dream of merging my personal conviction with professional life came true.”

Kelly Fergusson, Former Menlo Park Mayor and Council Member turned Business Development Manager of Energy & Environmental Solutions


The Key to Clarity--Connecting With Your Target Green Career


|image6|Your most relevant, targeted, exciting green career options are going to come from within you. By discovering for yourself, what you bring to your next career in terms of skills, passions, and expertise, you build a career that suits who you are to a “T.”

You won't be starting from scratch.


You'll be leveraging your unique blend of expertise, passions, education, and experience to identify the best, most effective way for you to contribute to the issues of our time and live a good life. Your unique positioning allows you to stand out from the crowd of applicants as you interview for positions.


As all the pieces drop into place, you be able to see what your next move is. You'll be able to describe your green career goal with such clarity, confidence, and enthusiasm that you networking contacts will be engaged and happy to help you reach your goal by providing you with targeted, relevant referrals to people, opportunities and resources. 

Following up on these leads will open the way to additional leads. As the momentum builds, you find yourself with a collection of exciting opportunities to act on!

What Will You Discover through the Green Career Focus Program?

When I left my corporate job over two decades ago to help people navigate difficult life transitions, my most popular program was called “Craving a Career Change.” People saw that I had made a huge leap in my own career, and they wanted to know how I did that! Since then I've dedicated myself to refining, streamlining, and improving this program to help people identify the work that resonates with their passions and values.

During this Coaching Program you'll move through a process of discovery, gaining new insights, confidence, and clarity at each turn.

Key Milestones You'll Achieve

You discover how to identify your passions and interests accurately and in the moment.

You create a detailed list of over 20 skills and 20 interests that have to contribute to your field. One of our clients called her list "the blueprint I've been yearning for."

You build a list of up to 40 green career ideas based on your skills and interests.

"The brainstorming sessions are a great tool for
capturing my random thoughts and actually
organizing them into cohesive career paths.
Amazing! Thank you, Carol!
"   ~ Taj, Oakland, CA


You articulate your Big Picture Goal and how you want to use your professional expertise to build a better world where the land, people, wildlife, and economy thrive. 

You identify the short-term and long-term career goals that align with your Big Picture Goal.

We create a customized plan so you know the specific actions you'll take to reach your short term goal.

How Does the Find Your Green Focus Coaching Program Work?

Find Your Green Focus is a mix of self-reflection, exploration, brainstorming, and thinking outside the box. To make the most of the program, please plan to set aside time in your schedule to work through each assignment in order. Here's how it works.


1) You'll start with a series of carefully crafted messages that give you bite-sized activities to  identify your green career niche. As you move through each activity, week by week, you gain momentum. You can see your progress and can return to review previous responses at any time.

You'll receive these assignments each weekday for five weeks--each one can be completed in 15 to 30 minutes. This delivery method keeps you focused on the task at hand. Rather than trying to figure out what to do next, you devote all of your time, attention, and effort on completing the assigned activities.

"Thanks to the exercises in the Find Your Green Focus,
I'm finally able to articulate what I'm passionate about
and how I want to use my passion in the world. Thank you so much."
~ Alice, Nevada

If you have a busy schedule and don't think you can incorporate a daily email into your schedule, not to worry! You can work on them at your own pace.

2) Next, I read your responses and provide you with personalized feedback. The more you include in your responses to the activities, the richer our coaching relationship will be. In my comments I'll let you know where you are making great progress, where you might dig a little deeper to get better results, and what to expect next. I'll also offer encouragement along the way to keep you going.

I will be available to comment on your responses to the activities in this program for up to three months from the date you start the program. Sometimes life happens and you need to take a break. I understand. Just come back to the program and start again where you left off.

3) In the fifth week, we'll set up a personal coaching session to discuss my Big Picture Goal. During the call we'll review the clues and ideas I've uncovered and talk about how to weave together the clues in a way that is most exciting, intriguing and fulfilling to me. We'll also talk about my next steps to determine how I'll move forward to research my target industry, find networking contacts, and prepare myself for my job search.

"I have a lot of different intersts and skills, but I have not figured otu how to put them all together on my own. It makes more sense and is so much more efficient to work with someone who has an experienced "eye-sense" for soemthing like this and can spot some obvious patterns right away."

~ J. L., New Mexico

 Our Peace of Mind Guarantee 


I've been using some form of this program for over two decades years. I know it works...if you work it! The more you invest in the activities, the more you will get out of it.

The best way to make the most of this program is to be honest and forthcoming about how things are going for you. The more I know about who you are and what makes you tick, the more effective the coaching relationship is.

Although the ultimate success of this program depends on your participation, commitment, and action, I want to offer you a peace of mind guarantee that ensures that you have the opportunity to receive a full refund if you find the program is not a good fit for you.

You have until the end of the 8th online assignment
to request a full refund.

Let's Get Started!

As we discussed during our strategy consultation, the Find Your Green Focus Program is $497. There's also a two payment option, if two payments of $250 would work better for your budget. Just choose the option that's best for you. As soon as we receive your registration, we'll get you set up on the program.

"Carol McClelland's Find Your Green Focus process was
instrumental in helping me clarify and
map out my career path
during a time of great transition."

Rose Marcario, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Patagonia



"YES! I want to identify my green focus so I can contribute my experience and talents to creating a sustainable future." 


 “I'm assured this online transaction is 100% secure and
after my information is received I will get an electronic
receipt within a few minutes.”

Price: $497
(1 payment)



(2 payments)
$250 each

 (The first transation will be today in the amount of $250. 
The second $250 transaction will be automatically processed in one month.)




I look forward to supporting you in your quest to find your green career. 

To a Bright Future,


Carol McClelland, PhD
Founder of Green Career Central


P.S.  To give each participant the personalized attention and in-depth interaction I know creates the best results, I take on only a few clients each week.  If you are ready to move forward with your green career, sign up now to claim your spot! If we have a waiting list at the moment, we'll let you know immediately about your start date.